Information on 2018 Electronic General Assembly

Following the decision to merge in October 2017 at the Joint Meetings in Taipei, members of ISSC and ICSU were asked to vote in an electronic General Assembly to finalize the legal implementation of the ICSU-ISSC Merger Agreement. This electronic General Assembly was held 11-16 May 2018.

All relevant documents and further information on the Merger Treaty are available in this ShareFile folder. This includes:

  • Notification by ICSU and ISSC Presidents of the electronic General Assembly to be held on 11-16 May 2018 deciding the legal implementation of the ICSU-ISSC Merger Agreement
  • Merger Treaty
  • New Statutes and Rules of Procedure.


Electronic voting ballots and submission instructions were provided to all members at the end of April 2018.


In separate electronic General Assemblies held as detailed above, the members of ICSU and ISSC approved the Merger Treaty with strong majorities, thereby making the decision to merge the two organizations legally binding.

Following the legal mechanism for the merger agreed by the combined membership at their joint meeting of October 2017, ICSU members also agreed to the change ICSU's name to the International Science Council and approved the new Statutes and Rules of Procedure, while ISSC Members approved the dissolution of the ISSC.

_**Detailed results from ISSC:

Question 1: To approve the Merger between the International Social Science Council and the International Council for Science, as laid down in the Merger Treaty, to form the International Science Council.

YES: 93.94%

NO: 3.03%

Abstention: 3.03%

Question 2: In the case that the Merger Treaty is approved by ISSC and ICSU Members, to agree to the dissolution of the ISSC

YES: 96,97%

NO: 3.03%

Question 3: As required by the Merger Treaty, to approve the ISSC’s accounts as at 31 December 2017

YES: 96,97%

Absention: 3.03%

Participation rate

Member Associations: 75%

Member Organizations: 72.4%

Member Institutions: 100%

_**Detailed results from ICSU:

Question 1: As required by the Merger Treaty, to approve ICSU’s accounts as at 31 December 2017

YES: 100%

NO: 0%

Abstentions: 2

Question 2: To approve the Merger between the International Social Science Council and the International Council for Science, as laid down in the Merger Treaty, to form the International Science Council.

YES: 100%

NO: 0%

Abstentions: 0

Participation rate

National Members: 69.5%

International Scientific Members: 79.3%

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