The ISSC-ICSU merger process

This platform was set up to share information relating to the implementation process towards a merger between the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the International Social Science Council (ISSC).

The merger was completed in 2018 and the new International Science Council was launched at a founding General Assembly in Paris, France, in July 2018. The new Council brings together the former members of ISSC and ICSU, including 40 international scientific unions and associations, and more than 140 national and regional organizations such as academies and research councils.

Its mission is to serve as the global voice of science, providing leadership in catalyzing, incubating and coordinating international action on issues of major public concern.

This is a full archive of background information and documentation that covers the process starting from transition planning to the Oslo Extraordinary General Assembly in 2016 to the founding General Assembly of the International Science Council in July 2018.

As of July 2018 this site is no longer being updated. Please visit the International Science Council's website for the latest information.

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